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Author mablue
Recipients mablue
Date 2021-02-05.10:20:49
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Please append a code to reverse check?like that?

print([input() for i in'_'*10] have input())

Instade of:
print(input() in [input() for i in'_'*10] )

i want to check that: is last input in the inputs or not!
Date User Action Args
2021-02-05 10:20:50mabluesetrecipients: + mablue
2021-02-05 10:20:50mabluesetmessageid: <>
2021-02-05 10:20:50mabluelinkissue43134 messages
2021-02-05 10:20:50mabluecreate