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Author fakufaku
Recipients fakufaku
Date 2021-01-07.06:13:56
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I am having an issue with using urllib in a multiprocessing.Process when the package sounddevice ( has been already imported.

The sub-process hangs upon calling urllib.request.urlopen (and methods from the requests package too).

1. If the package sounddevice is not imported, things work as expected.
2. If the package sounddevice is imported, but urllib.request.urlopen is called once prior to launching thee sub-process, then things also work as expected.

I have attached a file containing code to reproduce the issue.

I have run this example file in:
- Python 3.7.9 (conda distribution)
- Mac OS X 10.15.7

# Running the code as is reproduces the problem
> python ./
Nothing in the queue. Leave.
wait for process to terminate...

# Running the code with either line 8 commented *or* line 32 uncommented
# gives the expected output
> python ./
Received Send GET request... done.
Received Send GET request... done. ok ok
Nothing in the queue. Leave.
wait for process to terminate...
Date User Action Args
2021-01-07 06:13:57fakufakusetrecipients: + fakufaku
2021-01-07 06:13:56fakufakusetmessageid: <>
2021-01-07 06:13:56fakufakulinkissue42850 messages
2021-01-07 06:13:56fakufakucreate