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Author plammens
Recipients plammens
Date 2020-12-30.12:38:07
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Currently, `inspect.signature` doesn't support all callables from the `operator` module, e.g. `operator.attrgetter`:

>>> import inspect
>>> import operator
>>> inspect.signature(operator.attrgetter("spam"))
ValueError: callable operator.attrgetter('is_host') is not supported by signature

Support for this could be added either directly to `inspect.signature` or by adding `__signature__` attributes to `operator`'s classes.
Date User Action Args
2020-12-30 12:38:08plammenssetrecipients: + plammens
2020-12-30 12:38:08plammenssetmessageid: <>
2020-12-30 12:38:08plammenslinkissue42785 messages
2020-12-30 12:38:07plammenscreate