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Author ronaldoussoren
Recipients JasperTecHK, asvetlov, ronaldoussoren, yselivanov
Date 2020-12-28.10:07:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
What's the script used, is it the script in the reddit thread? 

The reddit thread mentions a change to the script that might help:

     return [await r.json() for r in responses]

     return await asyncio.gather(*(r.json() for r in responses))

Does that remove the error?
Date User Action Args
2020-12-28 10:07:01ronaldoussorensetrecipients: + ronaldoussoren, asvetlov, yselivanov, JasperTecHK
2020-12-28 10:07:01ronaldoussorensetmessageid: <>
2020-12-28 10:07:01ronaldoussorenlinkissue42690 messages
2020-12-28 10:07:01ronaldoussorencreate