> I don't think we need two algorithms here. I'm +1 to add str.dedent() which mirroring only inspect.cleandoc().
I withdraw this. If we add str.dedent(), it must not be optimized for triple-quote literal.
Auto dedenting is very nice to have. It can be different from inspect.cleandoc().
We may able to cleandoc() automatically, even without `from __future__`. This can be different from str.dedent() or auto dedenting.
We already have a separate issue for docstring. And auto dedenting will needs PEP. How about focus on str.dedent() and change the issue title? |
Date |
User |
Action |
Args |
2020-11-22 09:44:30 | methane | set | recipients:
+ methane, rhettinger, terry.reedy, gregory.p.smith, steven.daprano, serhiy.storchaka, josh.r, mbussonn, pablogsal, remi.lapeyre, Marco Sulla, Miguel Amaral |
2020-11-22 09:44:30 | methane | set | messageid: <> |
2020-11-22 09:44:30 | methane | link | issue36906 messages |
2020-11-22 09:44:30 | methane | create | |