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Author ods
Recipients asvetlov, chris.jerdonek, dutradda, ods, yselivanov
Date 2020-10-26.04:32:54
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The current error message is way too cryptic anyway.  And restricting it to the set type only, as in docs, will certainly break a lot of code (passing a list is quite common).
Date User Action Args
2020-10-26 04:32:54odssetrecipients: + ods, asvetlov, chris.jerdonek, yselivanov, dutradda
2020-10-26 04:32:54odssetmessageid: <>
2020-10-26 04:32:54odslinkissue42140 messages
2020-10-26 04:32:54odscreate