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Author Dima.Tisnek
Recipients DazWorrall, Dima.Tisnek, Michele, Omer.Katz, aconrad, alex, andrix, arigo, brian.curtin, carljm, coderanger, cool-RR, corona10, dabeaz, donaldjeo, durin42, eric.araujo, eric.smith, flox, gregory.p.smith, hozn, jab, jcea, jhylton, jmehnle, karld, kevinwatters, konryd, larry, loewis, mahmoudimus, movement, ncoghlan, neologix, nirai, phsilva, pitrou, portante, rcohen, rh0dium, scoder, tarek, thouis, victorpoluceno, vstinner, ysj.ray
Date 2020-10-08.00:03:02
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
My 2c as Python user:

Back in 2010, I've used multithreading extensively, both for concurrency and performance. Others used multiprocessing or just shelled out. People talked about using **the other** core, or sometimes the other socket on a server.

Now in 2020, I'm using asyncio exclusively. Some colleagues occasionally still shell out 🙈. None talking about using all cores on a single machine, rather, we'd spin up dozens of identical containers, which are randomly distributed across N machines, and the synchronisation is offloaded to some database (e.g. atomic ops in redis; transactions in sql).

In my imagination, I see future Python as single-threaded (from user's point of view, that is without multithreading api), that features speculative out-of-order async task execution (using hardware threads, maybe pinned) that's invisible to the user.
Date User Action Args
2020-10-08 00:03:02Dima.Tisneksetrecipients: + Dima.Tisnek, loewis, jhylton, arigo, gregory.p.smith, jcea, ncoghlan, pitrou, scoder, vstinner, movement, larry, eric.smith, kevinwatters, tarek, karld, carljm, coderanger, phsilva, durin42, eric.araujo, nirai, alex, andrix, konryd, jab, brian.curtin, hozn, victorpoluceno, flox, DazWorrall, cool-RR, rh0dium, rcohen, dabeaz, mahmoudimus, portante, aconrad, ysj.ray, neologix, thouis, donaldjeo, Michele, jmehnle, Omer.Katz, corona10
2020-10-08 00:03:02Dima.Tisneksetmessageid: <>
2020-10-08 00:03:02Dima.Tisneklinkissue7946 messages
2020-10-08 00:03:02Dima.Tisnekcreate