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Author mertcandav
Recipients eric.smith, mertcandav, rhettinger
Date 2020-09-15.07:39:31
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <1600155571.37.0.265616032363.issue41783@roundup.psfhosted.org>
For example, consider the libraries of stdlib and PyPI that are available now and may be in the future. In libraries like Tkinter or Turtle, a universal color class can make the code clearer. Color operations can also be performed by representing the Color class. For example, deriving a CLI color code from the RGB values ​​it represents. Doesn't such a thing provide more advanced possibilities for the existing cli library (cmd) and reduce the need for PyPI API?

I think this can provide a common use for WEB and GUI libraries. It can also be beneficial in terms of performance as it can reduce the number of parameters for most functions.

Python is a programming language widely used as CLI. With a built-in color library, wouldn't we increase the appeal and language coverage? I see that there are many libraries on PyPI regarding colors, and most of them are built on CLI. Some of these are really used too much.

We often encounter issues like "How can I print in color in Console?" in places like Stackoverflow.

I think that many color-related or color libraries do not have a color class on stlib, so it might be too crowded for them to make a color class for themselves, especially when using multiple color-oriented libraries. Even if they don't make a special class for them, the number of parameters will naturally be higher. However, I think a standard color class can prevent all of these and increase readability.
Date User Action Args
2020-09-15 07:39:31mertcandavsetrecipients: + mertcandav, rhettinger, eric.smith
2020-09-15 07:39:31mertcandavsetmessageid: <1600155571.37.0.265616032363.issue41783@roundup.psfhosted.org>
2020-09-15 07:39:31mertcandavlinkissue41783 messages
2020-09-15 07:39:31mertcandavcreate