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Author jaraco
Recipients jaraco, ned.deily, python-dev, ronaldoussoren, tarek
Date 2020-07-04.23:57:52
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Well, the issue is potentially ignorable, especially if distutils is deprecated and removed from CPython. Alternately, CPython could adopt the [patch from distutils]( that corrects the issue. Would you like me to file a separate bug for this issue? Or apply that patch? Or something else?
Date User Action Args
2020-07-04 23:57:52jaracosetrecipients: + jaraco, ronaldoussoren, tarek, ned.deily, python-dev
2020-07-04 23:57:52jaracosetmessageid: <>
2020-07-04 23:57:52jaracolinkissue18080 messages
2020-07-04 23:57:52jaracocreate