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Author cool-RR
Recipients cool-RR, docs@python, georg.brandl, gvanrossum
Date 2020-05-19.06:05:54
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I'm a noob on parsing, learning about it, so it's possible I've made a mistake somewhere.

I know there's this page:

Which is a full listing of Python's grammar. However, looking at this page: I see rules that aren't written there, like longstringitem.

I'm guessing that's because these are lexing rules, while the former was a list of parsing rules?

If that's the case, shouldn't there also be a full, authoritative list of Python's lexical rules? Possibly alongside the parsing rules?
Date User Action Args
2020-05-19 06:05:54cool-RRsetrecipients: + cool-RR, gvanrossum, georg.brandl, docs@python
2020-05-19 06:05:54cool-RRsetmessageid: <>
2020-05-19 06:05:54cool-RRlinkissue40678 messages
2020-05-19 06:05:54cool-RRcreate