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Author nanjekyejoannah
Recipients Valentyn Tymofieiev, brett.cannon, eric.snow, nanjekyejoannah, ncoghlan, p-ganssle, pablogsal, pitrou, vstinner
Date 2020-01-21.14:14:27
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> Do you mean that there is a risk that the backport introduces a regression in another part of the code? If yes, I would suggest to not backport the change to *stable* branches.

My worry are the many changes that are required to ceval to make this back port work. Not that I think we can not successfully backport things. we can.
Date User Action Args
2020-01-21 14:14:27nanjekyejoannahsetrecipients: + nanjekyejoannah, brett.cannon, ncoghlan, pitrou, vstinner, eric.snow, p-ganssle, pablogsal, Valentyn Tymofieiev
2020-01-21 14:14:27nanjekyejoannahsetmessageid: <>
2020-01-21 14:14:27nanjekyejoannahlinkissue35943 messages
2020-01-21 14:14:27nanjekyejoannahcreate