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Author aeros
Recipients aeros, asvetlov, dacut, gvanrossum, njs, pitrou, vaizki, yselivanov
Date 2019-11-20.22:35:35
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> There are some platforms (Linux pre-3.9 kernels) that don't have SO_REUSEPORT. I wish I could say I don't care about such platforms; alas, I just had to compile Python 3.7 on a system running a 2.6 kernel last month at a client site.

Based on, pre-3.9 Linux kernels are no longer supported upstream, the oldest LTS version is 3.16.

There are likely a number of systems running older unsupported kernel versions, but I don't think that we can be reasonably expected to maintain indefinite backwards compatibility to versions that aren't supported upstream, especially not at the expense of the ones that are supported. 

In those cases, I think the responsibility ultimately falls upon the owners of the system or third party group providing service. This particular fix would be fairly straightforward:

> And, yes, someone who really wants SO_REUSEADDR can set it manually, for example by calling `transport.get_extra_info('socket')`.
Date User Action Args
2019-11-20 22:35:35aerossetrecipients: + aeros, gvanrossum, pitrou, njs, asvetlov, yselivanov, dacut, vaizki
2019-11-20 22:35:35aerossetmessageid: <>
2019-11-20 22:35:35aeroslinkissue37228 messages
2019-11-20 22:35:35aeroscreate