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Author shireenrao
Recipients Niels Albers, docs@python, rhettinger, shireenrao
Date 2019-09-04.13:14:06
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Here is my first pass at this. I propose the following sentence be added at the end section 8.4:

If you need to track related exceptions (exceptions during exception handling), you should use exception chaining. You can chain exceptions by using the ``from`` clause. Just raise a new exception class or instance from an existing exception. The existing exception will be set as 
the cause for the new exception.
Date User Action Args
2019-09-04 13:14:06shireenraosetrecipients: + shireenrao, rhettinger, docs@python, Niels Albers
2019-09-04 13:14:06shireenraosetmessageid: <>
2019-09-04 13:14:06shireenraolinkissue37891 messages
2019-09-04 13:14:06shireenraocreate