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Author Mookiefer
Recipients Mookiefer
Date 2019-08-05.20:40:23
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The default installation of Python3.7 on all my Win10 machines has a ttk theme file that disables treeview alternating row colors. The specific file for me is "vistaTheme.tcl" located at "C:\Program Files\Python37\tcl\tk8.6\ttk". In the #Treeview section of the file the "ttk::style map Treeview" line needed to be changed from:

ttk::style map Treeview \
-background [list disabled $colors(-frame)\
{!disabled !selected} $colors(-window) \
selected SystemHighlight] \
-foreground [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg) \
{!disabled !selected} black \
selected SystemHighlightText]

Changed to:

ttk::style map Treeview
-background [list selected SystemHighlight]
-foreground [list selected SystemHighlightText]

Essentially all the "disabled" parts needed to be removed.
Date User Action Args
2019-08-05 20:40:23Mookiefersetrecipients: + Mookiefer
2019-08-05 20:40:23Mookiefersetmessageid: <>
2019-08-05 20:40:23Mookieferlinkissue37767 messages
2019-08-05 20:40:23Mookiefercreate