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Author thatch
Recipients georg.brandl, lukasz.langa, thatch
Date 2019-04-06.01:41:20
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The grammar in lib2to3 is out of date and can't parse `:=` nor `f(**not x)` from running on real code.  I've done a cursory `diff -uw Grammar/Grammar Lib/lib2to3/grammar.txt`, and would like to fix lib2to3 so we can merge into both fissix and blib2to3, to avoid further divergence of the forks.

I'm unsure if I need a separate bug per pull request, but need at least one to get started.
Date User Action Args
2019-04-06 01:41:20thatchsetrecipients: + thatch, georg.brandl, lukasz.langa
2019-04-06 01:41:20thatchsetmessageid: <>
2019-04-06 01:41:20thatchlinkissue36541 messages
2019-04-06 01:41:20thatchcreate