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Author Clayton Olney
Recipients Clayton Olney, alex.dzyoba, alex.henderson, eli.bendersky, eric.araujo, eric.snow, loewis, martin.panter, mcepl, rhettinger, santoso.wijaya, scoder, serhiy.storchaka, tshepang, vstinner, wolma
Date 2019-02-12.14:36:00
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I have a use case where the receiving application is expecting the indentation, and I need to run my code in Lambda. So, lxml is out of the question.
Date User Action Args
2019-02-12 14:36:01Clayton Olneysetrecipients: + Clayton Olney, loewis, rhettinger, scoder, vstinner, mcepl, eric.araujo, eli.bendersky, santoso.wijaya, tshepang, eric.snow, martin.panter, serhiy.storchaka, alex.henderson, wolma, alex.dzyoba
2019-02-12 14:36:01Clayton Olneysetmessageid: <>
2019-02-12 14:36:01Clayton Olneylinkissue14465 messages
2019-02-12 14:36:00Clayton Olneycreate