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Author nedbat
Recipients dfrojas, eli.bendersky, nedbat, rhettinger, scoder, serhiy.storchaka, taleinat, vstinner
Date 2018-11-10.14:53:27
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
To provide a little more context: has tests that the XML reports it generates are correct.  It does this by comparing the result to saved XML files.  On Python versions up to 3.7, the file compares correctly.  It has sorted attributes generated by minidom.  Now on Python 3.8, the comparison fails.
Date User Action Args
2018-11-10 14:53:27nedbatsetrecipients: + nedbat, rhettinger, scoder, vstinner, taleinat, eli.bendersky, serhiy.storchaka, dfrojas
2018-11-10 14:53:27nedbatsetmessageid: <>
2018-11-10 14:53:27nedbatlinkissue34160 messages
2018-11-10 14:53:27nedbatcreate