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Author levkivskyi
Recipients NeilGirdhar, alexdelorenzo, eric.smith, levkivskyi, rhettinger
Date 2018-09-16.16:27:38
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> [..] but I think it's the best we can do. It's consistent with any other class derived from tuple or list: [...]

I agree with this argument. Sorry for delay with my response and thank you Eric for taking care about this issue!
Date User Action Args
2018-09-16 16:27:38levkivskyisetrecipients: + levkivskyi, rhettinger, eric.smith, NeilGirdhar, alexdelorenzo
2018-09-16 16:27:38levkivskyisetmessageid: <>
2018-09-16 16:27:38levkivskyilinkissue34363 messages
2018-09-16 16:27:38levkivskyicreate