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Author cheryl.sabella
Recipients AndrewZiem, Felix Schwarz, Flimm, Hanno.Zulla, Jonathan Schoonhoven, Leonid Suprun, Tristan.Fisher, berker.peksag, bernie, bersace, bronger, cheryl.sabella, cito, clouserw, dns, dwayne, eric.araujo, franz_glasner, genepi, loewis, mitar, nh2, nhooey, nils, olivier-berten, sascha_silbe, serhiy.storchaka, wichert, ztane
Date 2018-05-30.20:17:47
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I've created a pull request for this based on Éric's patch in 2010.  I attempted to incorporate the changes from #29755 into the new functions and tests.  I believe these changes take care of items 1 and 2 from msg122439.

I haven't tried to address item 3 in msg122439 yet.

Since this is already a large change, item 4 in msg122439 might be better as its own issue.
Date User Action Args
2018-05-30 20:17:47cheryl.sabellasetrecipients: + cheryl.sabella, loewis, cito, bronger, wichert, genepi, franz_glasner, eric.araujo, Felix Schwarz, dwayne, sascha_silbe, AndrewZiem, dns, mitar, bernie, nh2, clouserw, Flimm, olivier-berten, nils, bersace, berker.peksag, serhiy.storchaka, ztane, nhooey, Tristan.Fisher, Hanno.Zulla, Leonid Suprun, Jonathan Schoonhoven
2018-05-30 20:17:47cheryl.sabellasetmessageid: <>
2018-05-30 20:17:47cheryl.sabellalinkissue2504 messages
2018-05-30 20:17:47cheryl.sabellacreate