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Author David Vasseur
Recipients David Vasseur, eric.smith
Date 2018-05-13.09:19:40
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
>>> locale.localeconv()
{'int_curr_symbol': 'EUR ', 'currency_symbol': '€', 'mon_decimal_point': ',', 'mon_thousands_sep': '\u202f', 'mon_grouping': [3, 0], 'positive_sign': '', 'negative_sign': '-', 'int_frac_digits': 2, 'frac_digits': 2, 'p_cs_precedes': 0, 'p_sep_by_space': 1, 'n_cs_precedes': 0, 'n_sep_by_space': 1, 'p_sign_posn': 1, 'n_sign_posn': 1, 'decimal_point': ',', 'thousands_sep': '\u202f', 'grouping': [3, 0]}
Date User Action Args
2018-05-13 09:19:40David Vasseursetrecipients: + David Vasseur, eric.smith
2018-05-13 09:19:40David Vasseursetmessageid: <>
2018-05-13 09:19:40David Vasseurlinkissue33471 messages
2018-05-13 09:19:40David Vasseurcreate