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Author levkivskyi
Recipients Ricyteach, levkivskyi
Date 2018-03-30.21:02:10
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
This is not a bug, but a misunderstanding:

* First, ABCMeta doesn't have `__prepare__`, it is just `type.__prepare__`
* Second, the third argument to `types.new_class` is called `kwds` for a reason. It is not a namespace like in `type` but the set of keywords in the equivalent class definition. For example:

types.new_class('Test', (A, B), {'metaclass': Meta, 'foo': 42})

id equivalent to

class Test(A, B, metaclass=Meta, foo=42):

If you want to populate the namespace, then you should use the fourth argument `exec_body` which should be a callable that takes newly created dictionary and populates it with items. For your case it should be:

C = new_class("C", (MyABC,), {}, exec_body=lambda ns: ns.update(namespace))

If you want to clarify the corresponding docstring, then please open a PR. Otherwise you can close the issue.
Date User Action Args
2018-03-30 21:02:10levkivskyisetrecipients: + levkivskyi, Ricyteach
2018-03-30 21:02:10levkivskyisetmessageid: <>
2018-03-30 21:02:10levkivskyilinkissue33190 messages
2018-03-30 21:02:10levkivskyicreate