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Author emilyemorehouse
Recipients craigh, emilyemorehouse, yan12125
Date 2018-01-31.21:04:15
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Ah, you're right. That was a typo when I was redacting my full path. The path object remains unchanged even though the directory has moved. 

Should have been:

    >>> import os, pathlib, shutil
    >>> os.mkdir('test1')
    >>> os.mkdir('test2')
    >>> path = pathlib.Path('test1')
    >>> path.absolute()
    >>> shutil.move(path, 'test2')
    >>> path.absolute()

test1 is now actually at '/Users/e/Development/OSS/cpython/test2/test1'
Date User Action Args
2018-01-31 21:04:15emilyemorehousesetrecipients: + emilyemorehouse, craigh, yan12125
2018-01-31 21:04:15emilyemorehousesetmessageid: <>
2018-01-31 21:04:15emilyemorehouselinkissue32689 messages
2018-01-31 21:04:15emilyemorehousecreate