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Author wordtech
Recipients ned.deily, terry.reedy, wordtech
Date 2017-11-25.13:38:44
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
wm_iconphoto is a no-op on Tk 8.5 on MacOS; the C function returns true with no action. That's why this has not cropped up before.

As implemented, the command on macOS only takes the first image in the parameters to use; the Cocoa mechanism in use for displaying images as app icons does not pack multiple sizes in the image. This will be documented in the man page for the next release of Tk. That's why the image currently looks very bad, because, as you note, it's scaling up a 16px image. The 48px would look better, albeit a bit jagged. 

The attached patch proposes to simply bypass this call in Tk-Mac. The wm_iconphoto command is most useful for a) replacing a generic Windows or X11 icon with something more customized or b) displaying a change in application state. On Mac OS, option is already addressed by the bundled application icon that looks much more polished; most users will not be calling idle from the command line (where this call can make sense). Option b is not applicable in this context.
Date User Action Args
2017-11-25 13:38:44wordtechsetrecipients: + wordtech, terry.reedy, ned.deily
2017-11-25 13:38:44wordtechsetmessageid: <>
2017-11-25 13:38:44wordtechlinkissue32129 messages
2017-11-25 13:38:44wordtechcreate