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Author Phaqui
Recipients Phaqui, niki.spahiev, rhettinger, vstinner
Date 2017-11-12.23:05:19
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I decided to work on this, and I would like some review, as this would be my second contribution to cpython. Also, a general question:

As I defined the start and end arguments Py_ssize_t, bigger indexes (more negative or more positive) than what can fit in Py_ssize_t will trigger an overflow error. This should be OK, though, as other functions with index arguments has them as Py_ssize_t - and getarrayitem() itself accepts a Py_ssize_t. Or?
Date User Action Args
2017-11-12 23:05:19Phaquisetrecipients: + Phaqui, rhettinger, vstinner, niki.spahiev
2017-11-12 23:05:19Phaquisetmessageid: <>
2017-11-12 23:05:19Phaquilinkissue31956 messages
2017-11-12 23:05:19Phaquicreate