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Author Matt Groth
Recipients CyberJacob, Decorater, Matt Groth, ellisj, eric.araujo, mwh, nikratio, pitrou, tiagoaoa, tim.peters, undercoveridiot
Date 2017-09-16.05:13:38
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Thank you Antoine Pitrou, I was able to disable this behavior by commenting out some lines of code in 'traceback' and replacing them with the appropriate call to 'sys.excepthook'. Note you also have to comment out a few lines in "Modules/_threadmodule.c" to correspond to this change or else that file complains that there wasn't the expected output printed to stderr.
Date User Action Args
2017-09-16 05:13:39Matt Grothsetrecipients: + Matt Groth, mwh, tim.peters, ellisj, pitrou, tiagoaoa, eric.araujo, nikratio, undercoveridiot, Decorater, CyberJacob
2017-09-16 05:13:38Matt Grothsetmessageid: <>
2017-09-16 05:13:38Matt Grothlinkissue1230540 messages
2017-09-16 05:13:38Matt Grothcreate