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Author Mariatta
Recipients Mariatta, louielu, terry.reedy
Date 2017-06-06.03:34:19
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Louie Lu, are you louisom on GitHub?
Here in the b.p.o it shows that you have signed CLA, indicated with an asterisk next to your username.
Somehow on GitHub the bot could not verify that you've signed it.

Please clarify. Thanks.
Date User Action Args
2017-06-06 03:34:19Mariattasetrecipients: + Mariatta, terry.reedy, louielu
2017-06-06 03:34:19Mariattasetmessageid: <>
2017-06-06 03:34:19Mariattalinkissue30303 messages
2017-06-06 03:34:19Mariattacreate