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Author scoder
Recipients ben.wainwright, eli.bendersky, rhettinger, scoder
Date 2017-05-26.17:03:51
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Agreed that this should be added. I think the key should be None, though, not the empty string. I attached a quick patch for lxml's corresponding file. It's mostly the same for ET.
Date User Action Args
2017-05-26 17:03:52scodersetrecipients: + scoder, rhettinger, eli.bendersky, ben.wainwright
2017-05-26 17:03:52scodersetmessageid: <>
2017-05-26 17:03:52scoderlinkissue30485 messages
2017-05-26 17:03:52scodercreate