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Author louielu
Recipients cheryl.sabella, louielu, terry.reedy
Date 2017-05-21.10:08:56
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Roadmap definitely helps us for targeting what to do and clear the current development status. Such as #27609 helps a lot for focus on improving on part of the IDLE.

1. Should this be merged with the existing TODO.txt to ROADMAP.txt?
2. What does a "single window app" mean, the current design isn't a "single window app"?
Date User Action Args
2017-05-21 10:08:57louielusetrecipients: + louielu, terry.reedy, cheryl.sabella
2017-05-21 10:08:57louielusetmessageid: <>
2017-05-21 10:08:57louielulinkissue30422 messages
2017-05-21 10:08:56louielucreate