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Author Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard
Recipients Arfrever, Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard, brett.cannon, ezio.melotti, larry, python-dev, tshepang
Date 2017-03-15.10:11:17
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Just bumped into this. 

Is the removal for this module waiting for the end of Python 2.7 support as PEP 4 states for modules in Py2 and Py3? 

The first message calls for a removal in 3.6 so, I'm either missing some additional conversations on this or this might of just have been forgotten.
Date User Action Args
2017-03-15 10:11:17Jim Fasarakis-Hilliardsetrecipients: + Jim Fasarakis-Hilliard, brett.cannon, larry, ezio.melotti, Arfrever, tshepang, python-dev
2017-03-15 10:11:17Jim Fasarakis-Hilliardsetmessageid: <>
2017-03-15 10:11:17Jim Fasarakis-Hilliardlinkissue18716 messages
2017-03-15 10:11:17Jim Fasarakis-Hilliardcreate