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Author xiang.zhang
Recipients Tom Myers, xiang.zhang
Date 2017-02-03.14:58:27
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
This seems an regression from #18808, so nosy Tim and Antoine. Since _DummyThread is always alive and daemonic, I think the solution could be overriding is_alive in _DummyThread and always returning True.
Date User Action Args
2017-02-03 14:58:27xiang.zhangsetrecipients: + xiang.zhang, Tom Myers
2017-02-03 14:58:27xiang.zhangsetmessageid: <>
2017-02-03 14:58:27xiang.zhanglinkissue29376 messages
2017-02-03 14:58:27xiang.zhangcreate