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Author xiang.zhang
Recipients xiang.zhang
Date 2016-12-12.18:15:13
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
For python test command line arguments, -j is not allowed together with -T/-l (don't know why):

[cpython]$ ./python -m test -j4 -T
usage: python -m test [options] [test_name1 [test_name2 ...]]
python path/to/Lib/test/ [options] [test_name1 [test_name2 ...]] error: -T and -j don't go together!
Pass -h or --help for complete help.
[cpython]$ ./python -m test -j4 -l
usage: python -m test [options] [test_name1 [test_name2 ...]]
python path/to/Lib/test/ [options] [test_name1 [test_name2 ...]] error: -l and -j don't go together!
Pass -h or --help for complete help.

But -j0 which also spawns multiple progresses fails the check.
Date User Action Args
2016-12-12 18:15:13xiang.zhangsetrecipients: + xiang.zhang
2016-12-12 18:15:13xiang.zhangsetmessageid: <>
2016-12-12 18:15:13xiang.zhanglinkissue28950 messages
2016-12-12 18:15:13xiang.zhangcreate