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Author martin.panter
Recipients BreamoreBoy, David.Sankel, Drekin, Jonitis, akira, amaury.forgeotdarc, christian.heimes, christoph, davidsarah, dead1ne, escapewindow, ezio.melotti, flox, giampaolo.rodola, hippietrail, lemburg, lilydjwg, mark, martin.panter, mhammond, ncoghlan, ned.deily, paul.moore, piotr.dobrogost, pitrou, santoso.wijaya, smerlin, ssbarnea, steve.dower, stijn, terry.reedy, tim.golden, tzot, v+python, wiz21
Date 2016-08-14.05:26:53
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
For compatibility, I think it may be good to add custom implementations of the buffer attribute and detach() method to stdin/out. They should be able to at least read and write ASCII bytes. It might be easiest to keep them as the current BufferedReader/Writer objects. Probably also make stdin/out.fileno() defer to the buffer attribute.

With the current patch that only allows reading and writing in UTF-16 pairs, I forsee a few problems:

* I assume stdin.buffer.raw.readline() will try to read one byte at a time, and will therefore always indicate EOF.
* Incompatibility with using stdin/out.buffer for ASCII character input and output. I suggest testing the patch with “python -m base64”, a use case mentioned earlier in this thread.
Date User Action Args
2016-08-14 05:26:54martin.pantersetrecipients: + martin.panter, lemburg, mhammond, terry.reedy, paul.moore, tzot, amaury.forgeotdarc, ncoghlan, pitrou, giampaolo.rodola, christian.heimes, tim.golden, mark, ned.deily, christoph, ezio.melotti, v+python, hippietrail, ssbarnea, flox, davidsarah, santoso.wijaya, akira, BreamoreBoy, David.Sankel, smerlin, lilydjwg, piotr.dobrogost, Drekin, steve.dower, wiz21, stijn, Jonitis, escapewindow, dead1ne
2016-08-14 05:26:53martin.pantersetmessageid: <>
2016-08-14 05:26:53martin.panterlinkissue1602 messages
2016-08-14 05:26:53martin.pantercreate