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Author David Su2
Recipients David Su2, rhettinger
Date 2016-07-21.04:28:36
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Here are some tests that I ran:

Using current naive viewkeys intersection:

$ python -m timeit -n 100 -s "d = dict.fromkeys(xrange(10000000), 0)" "d.viewkeys() & {0}"
100 loops, best of 3: 447 msec per loop

Nearly half a second per iteration is unacceptably slow.

Solution 1 from my previous comment:

$ python -m timeit -n 100 -s "d = dict.fromkeys(xrange(10000000), 0); s = set(d)" "s & {0}"
100 loops, best of 3: 0.391 usec per loop

This solution caches the keys of the dict in a set, then performs all intersections on that set. 
The initial creation of the set is slow, and it wastes a lot of memory, but each iteration is much faster.

The workaround that I ended up using:

$ python -m timeit -n 100 -s "d = dict.fromkeys(xrange(10000000), 0)" "{item for item in {0} if item in d}"
100 loops, best of 3: 0.629 usec per loop

This solution just looks up each value in the set to see if it is also in the dict using a set comprehension.
This avoids wasting time and space on creating a set. For my use case, memory was a bigger issue as my dictionary can approach tens of GBs in size, and almost doubling the memory consumption from creating a cache set was unacceptable. 

Of course, in the set comprehension, the smaller of the dict/set should be iterated over to satisfy the O(min(len(d), len(s))) condition as specified in
A implementation would look something like this:

def efficient_intersection(smaller_dict_or_set, bigger_dict_or_set):
    if len(bigger_dict_or_set) < len(smaller_dict_or_set):
        bigger_dict_or_set, smaller_dict_or_set = smaller_dict_or_set, bigger_dict_or_set
    return {item for item in smaller_dict_or_set if item in bigger_dict_or_set}

In conclusion, porting over the set intersection logic to viewkeys would be the ideal solution. It avoids wasting memory like in the set cache solution, and I am sure the C implementation will be much faster than my workaround of manually performing an intersection using set comprehensions.

My view is that dict.viewkeys() & set(...) should be as performant as the syntax suggests.
Date User Action Args
2016-07-21 04:28:37David Su2setrecipients: + David Su2, rhettinger
2016-07-21 04:28:37David Su2setmessageid: <>
2016-07-21 04:28:37David Su2linkissue27575 messages
2016-07-21 04:28:36David Su2create