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Author larry
Recipients Colm Buckley, Lukasa, alex, christian.heimes, doko, dstufft, larry, lemburg, martin.panter, matejcik, ned.deily, python-dev, rhettinger, skrah, thomas-petazzoni, vstinner, ztane
Date 2016-06-07.18:34:04
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Everybody: let's drop discussing "hashlib" unless someone says it actually is a problem.  I think it was always, as we say in English, a "red herring".

> The secret for SipHash is composed of two 64bit integers. The entire _Py_HashSecret_t struct is 24 bytes. The remaining 8 bytes are used for XML hash randomization of libexpat. Only the manual seed with PYTHONHASHSEED is a 32bit integer which is stretched to 24 bytes with a LCG.

Okay, I have misunderstood the code.  Have I misunderstood the strength of SipHash?  Is it regarded as "cryptographically secure"?

Predictability of the hash function on web servers was the original use case of the "hash seed"; I remember a demonstration of an attack where the attacker produced pathologically bad hash behavior on a Python-based web server with very little data.  So it seems like web servers running on cloud instances is exactly the sort of use case where we'd want less-predictable hashing.


Nevertheless, a 90 second startup time is simply unacceptable.  I am officially making a pronouncement as Release Manager: Python 3.5 *must not* take 90 seconds to start up under *any* circumstances.  I view this as a performance regression, and it is and will remain a release blocker for 3.5.2.

Python *must not* require special command-line flags to avoid a 90 second startup time.  Python *must not* require a special environment-variable to avoid a 90 second startup time.  This is no longer open to debate, and I will only be overruled by Guido.


If I understand the technical issues correctly, here's how I expect it to work.  For seeding the hash randomization, and seeding the _inst in the random module, we will use getrandom() in a non-blocking way (GRND_NONBLOCK?).  If it succeeds, we use those bits.  If it fails because it would have blocked (EAGAIN?), we fall back to a less-random source of random bits.  Under no circumstances will Python block when seeding the hash randomization function or seeding the MT for the random module.

This means cloud instances may inadvertently use lower-quality hash randomization seeds.  I judge this as obviously better than cloud instances taking 90 seconds to start up.  Also, as Christian points out, the people running these cloud instances should be managing their entropy pools anyway.  Additionally, there are many uses of cloud instances that aren't exposed to tainted data that permit these predictable-hash abuses.


As a final note, let me steer you towards this comment in Python/random.c:

/* Issue #25003: Don' use getentropy() on Solaris (available since
 * Solaris 11.3), it is blocking whereas os.urandom() should not block. */

Yes: we already had this discussion for Solaris, nine months ago, on issue #25003.  Both Guido and Tim Peters were involved in the discussion.  The decision there: use lower-quality random bits to seed the MT when importing the random module.  Keeping the slowdown was so obviously wrong it wasn't even debated.
Date User Action Args
2016-06-07 18:34:05larrysetrecipients: + larry, lemburg, rhettinger, doko, vstinner, christian.heimes, matejcik, ned.deily, alex, skrah, python-dev, martin.panter, ztane, dstufft, Lukasa, thomas-petazzoni, Colm Buckley
2016-06-07 18:34:05larrysetmessageid: <>
2016-06-07 18:34:05larrylinkissue26839 messages
2016-06-07 18:34:04larrycreate