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Author xdegaye
Recipients Alex.Willmer, Roman.Evstifeev, eric.snow, ethan.furman, xdegaye, yan12125
Date 2016-05-03.16:04:59
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
All the dependencies of this issue are tagged with Components:Cross-Build and a title starting with 'android'.

Tests that fail on an android emulator running an x86 system image at API level 21:

  issue #26918: android: test_pipes fails
  issue #26919: android: test_cmd_line fails
  issue #26920: android: test_sys fails
  issue #26924: android: test_concurrent_futures fails
  issue #26925: android: test_multiprocessing_main_handling fails
  issue #26926: android: test_io fails
  issue #26927: android: test_mmap fails
  issue #26928: android: test_site fails
  issue #26929: android: test_strptime fails
  issue #26931: android: test_distutils fails
  issue #26932: android: test_posix fails
  issue #26933: android: test_posixpath fails
  issue #26934: android: test_faulthandler fails
  issue #26935: android: test_os fails
  issue #26936: android: test_socket fails
  issue #26937: android: test_tarfile fails

Tests that fail on an android emulator running an armv7 system image (but not fail on x86) at API level 21:

  issue #26938: android: test_concurrent_futures hangs on armv7
  issue #26939: android: test_functools hangs on armv7
  issue #26940: android: test_importlib hangs on armv7
  issue #26941: android: test_threading hangs on armv7
  issue #26942: android: test_ctypes crashes on armv7
Date User Action Args
2016-05-03 16:04:59xdegayesetrecipients: + xdegaye, ethan.furman, eric.snow, Roman.Evstifeev, Alex.Willmer, yan12125
2016-05-03 16:04:59xdegayesetmessageid: <>
2016-05-03 16:04:59xdegayelinkissue26865 messages
2016-05-03 16:04:59xdegayecreate