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Author shanzhengcheng
Recipients ezio.melotti, shanzhengcheng, vstinner
Date 2016-03-28.02:30:24
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
this issue occureed when i run gns3-1.4.5 in python3.5.1 
 help me !
my system is linux 3.6.11  release version is   red flag inwise 8.0
Date User Action Args
2016-03-28 02:30:25shanzhengchengsetrecipients: + shanzhengcheng, vstinner, ezio.melotti
2016-03-28 02:30:25shanzhengchengsetmessageid: <>
2016-03-28 02:30:25shanzhengchenglinkissue15859 messages
2016-03-28 02:30:25shanzhengchengcreate