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Author methane
Recipients alecsandru.patrascu, brett.cannon, gregory.p.smith, lemburg, methane, pitrou, r.david.murray, scoder, skrah, steve.dower, zach.ware
Date 2016-03-04.01:32:38
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I've tried LTO without PGO in Debian Jessie.

$ LTOFLAGS='-flto -fuse-linker-plugin -ffat-lto-objects -flto-partition=none'
$ CFLAGS=$LTOFLAGS LDFLAGS=$LTOFLAGS ./configure --prefix=...
$ make -j32

results is here (compared with neither LTO and PGO):

Test                             minimum run-time        average  run-time
                                 this    other   diff    this    other   diff
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:    47ms    50ms   -6.6%    48ms    51ms   -6.0%
           BuiltinMethodLookup:    29ms    29ms   -1.3%    29ms    29ms   -0.1%
                 CompareFloats:    32ms    33ms   -2.8%    34ms    34ms   -0.5%
         CompareFloatsIntegers:    67ms    70ms   -3.9%    69ms    71ms   -3.1%
               CompareIntegers:    48ms    46ms   +5.1%    49ms    47ms   +5.8%
        CompareInternedStrings:    30ms    31ms   -1.9%    31ms    31ms   -1.6%
                  CompareLongs:    28ms    26ms   +8.0%    29ms    27ms   +8.5%
                CompareStrings:    26ms    26ms   -0.9%    27ms    26ms   +1.5%
    ComplexPythonFunctionCalls:    47ms    51ms   -8.9%    48ms    52ms   -7.8%
                 ConcatStrings:    32ms    33ms   -3.2%    33ms    34ms   -2.2%
               CreateInstances:    51ms    52ms   -2.5%    52ms    53ms   -3.5%
            CreateNewInstances:    38ms    40ms   -4.5%    39ms    41ms   -4.4%
       CreateStringsWithConcat:    68ms    69ms   -1.4%    70ms    71ms   -0.4%
                  DictCreation:    53ms    51ms   +5.2%    55ms    52ms   +6.7%
             DictWithFloatKeys:    41ms    42ms   -2.2%    43ms    43ms   -0.0%
           DictWithIntegerKeys:    34ms    34ms   +0.1%    35ms    35ms   +0.5%
            DictWithStringKeys:    31ms    32ms   -1.3%    32ms    32ms   -1.6%
                      ForLoops:    26ms    30ms  -12.1%    28ms    30ms   -8.7%
                    IfThenElse:    42ms    41ms   +2.6%    43ms    41ms   +5.0%
                   ListSlicing:    40ms    40ms   -0.8%    41ms    41ms   -0.4%
                NestedForLoops:    42ms    42ms   -0.3%    43ms    43ms   +0.6%
      NestedListComprehensions:    42ms    47ms  -11.9%    45ms    50ms  -10.5%
          NormalClassAttribute:    89ms    96ms   -7.9%    92ms    98ms   -5.9%
       NormalInstanceAttribute:    47ms    45ms   +4.8%    48ms    45ms   +4.9%
           PythonFunctionCalls:    41ms    44ms   -7.5%    41ms    45ms   -7.4%
             PythonMethodCalls:    53ms    59ms   -9.4%    55ms    60ms   -8.5%
                     Recursion:    69ms    73ms   -5.1%    71ms    74ms   -4.2%
                  SecondImport:    36ms    41ms  -12.0%    38ms    42ms   -9.9%
           SecondPackageImport:    45ms    42ms   +6.5%    46ms    43ms   +7.0%
         SecondSubmoduleImport:   115ms   107ms   +7.9%   117ms   108ms   +7.9%
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:    27ms    29ms   -6.5%    28ms    30ms   -4.5%
        SimpleDictManipulation:    60ms    65ms   -7.8%    61ms    66ms   -7.0%
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:    33ms    30ms   +7.4%    34ms    31ms   +8.3%
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:    36ms    38ms   -3.3%    37ms    38ms   -4.0%
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:    36ms    38ms   -5.2%    37ms    38ms   -4.1%
      SimpleListComprehensions:    36ms    37ms   -3.2%    38ms    41ms   -7.5%
        SimpleListManipulation:    34ms    34ms   -1.3%    35ms    38ms   -6.8%
          SimpleLongArithmetic:    26ms    26ms   +0.3%    27ms    30ms   -7.5%
                    SmallLists:    45ms    47ms   -4.1%    46ms    56ms  -17.2%
                   SmallTuples:    51ms    54ms   -6.3%    53ms    62ms  -14.8%
         SpecialClassAttribute:    92ms    97ms   -5.0%    95ms    99ms   -4.8%
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:    46ms    45ms   +2.5%    48ms    46ms   +3.9%
                StringMappings:    71ms   100ms  -29.0%    73ms   101ms  -27.8%
              StringPredicates:    49ms    59ms  -17.8%    50ms    60ms  -16.5%
                 StringSlicing:    48ms    47ms   +3.3%    79ms    47ms  +66.2%
                     TryExcept:    24ms    29ms  -16.9%    25ms    30ms  -15.8%
                    TryFinally:    35ms    37ms   -6.0%    36ms    38ms   -4.6%
                TryRaiseExcept:    12ms    13ms   -7.5%    13ms    14ms   -7.2%
                  TupleSlicing:    48ms    50ms   -2.9%    49ms    51ms   -2.7%
                   WithFinally:    52ms    57ms   -8.4%    53ms    58ms   -8.2%
               WithRaiseExcept:    42ms    46ms   -8.8%    43ms    47ms   -9.1%
Totals:                          2291ms  2398ms   -4.5%  2390ms  2470ms   -3.2%

(this=lto.pybench, other=default.pybench)
Date User Action Args
2016-03-04 01:32:42methanesetrecipients: + methane, lemburg, brett.cannon, gregory.p.smith, pitrou, scoder, r.david.murray, skrah, zach.ware, steve.dower, alecsandru.patrascu
2016-03-04 01:32:42methanesetmessageid: <>
2016-03-04 01:32:42methanelinkissue25702 messages
2016-03-04 01:32:38methanecreate