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Author vstinner
Recipients brett.cannon, ncoghlan, vstinner, yselivanov
Date 2016-02-02.08:47:07
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I'm concerned by the test_descr failure.

ERROR: test_vicious_descriptor_nonsense (test.test_descr.ClassPropertiesAndMethods)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/haypo/prog/python/default/Lib/test/", line 4176, in test_vicious_descriptor_nonsense
    self.assertEqual(c.attr, 1)
AttributeError: 'C' object has no attribute 'attr'


FAIL: test_objecttypes (test.test_sys.SizeofTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/haypo/prog/python/default/Lib/test/", line 895, in test_objecttypes
    check(get_cell().__code__, size('5i9Pi3P'))
  File "/home/haypo/prog/python/default/Lib/test/support/", line 1475, in check_sizeof
    test.assertEqual(result, size, msg)
AssertionError: 192 != 160 : wrong size for <class 'code'>: got 192, expected 160


FAIL: test_pycfunction (test.test_gdb.PyBtTests)
Verify that "py-bt" displays invocations of PyCFunction instances
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/haypo/prog/python/default/Lib/test/", line 857, in test_pycfunction
    self.assertIn('#0 <built-in method gmtime', gdb_output)
AssertionError: '#0 <built-in method gmtime' not found in 'Breakpoint 1 at 0x6518e3: file ./Modules/timemodule.c, line 338.\n[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]\nUsing host libthread_db library "/lib64/".\n\nBreakpoint 1, time_gmtime (self=<module at remote 0x7ffff7e6ff58>, args=(1,)) at ./Modules/timemodule.c:338\n338\t    if (!parse_time_t_args(args, "|O:gmtime", &when))\n#1 <built-in method gmtime of module object at remote 0x7ffff7e6ff58>\n#4 Frame 0x7ffff7fb27b8, for file <string>, line 3, in foo ()\n#7 Frame 0x7ffff7f423f8, for file <string>, line 5, in bar ()\n#10 Frame 0x7ffff7fb25e0, for file <string>, line 6, in <module> ()\n'

Date User Action Args
2016-02-02 08:47:09vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, brett.cannon, ncoghlan, yselivanov
2016-02-02 08:47:08vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2016-02-02 08:47:08vstinnerlinkissue26219 messages
2016-02-02 08:47:07vstinnercreate