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Author Antony.Lee
Recipients Antony.Lee, docs@python
Date 2016-01-08.23:21:48
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Consider the following minimal example:

    class readonlyprop:
        __init__ = lambda self, func: None
        __get__ = lambda self, inst, cls=None: None

    class C:
        def bar(self):
        def foo(self):
        def quux(self):

the output of `pydoc modname.C` is

    <... cropped ...>
    modname.C = class C(builtins.object)
    |  Methods defined here:
    |  bar(self)
    |  foo = None
    |  quux(self)
    |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    |  Data descriptors defined here:
    <... cropped ...>

It would be nice if
1. a newline was added after `foo = None`, and
2. foo was *also* marked as being a non-data-descriptor of class readonlyprop (basically what you'd get without invoking the __get__).
Date User Action Args
2016-01-08 23:21:49Antony.Leesetrecipients: + Antony.Lee, docs@python
2016-01-08 23:21:49Antony.Leesetmessageid: <>
2016-01-08 23:21:48Antony.Leelinkissue26051 messages
2016-01-08 23:21:48Antony.Leecreate