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Author ralf.gommers
Recipients BreamoreBoy, Duncan McBryde, Henry Gomersall, LRN, WhiteTiger, arbitraryvalue, carlkl, casevh, cdavid, cgohlke, cournape, donmez, eric.araujo, giampaolo.rodola, jdpipe, loewis, njs, paul.moore, r.david.murray, ralf.gommers, rpetrov, rubenvb, scott.tsai, simonzack, steve.dower, taschini, zach.ware
Date 2015-12-23.05:59:34
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> I'm happy and keen to help so please feel free to poke me if you need assistance with anything. I'll keep an eye out too - is it actively being discussed on any list?

Thanks Henry. There's no ongoing discussion on a list right now, but give it a week or two. I'll make sure to ping you.
Date User Action Args
2015-12-23 05:59:35ralf.gommerssetrecipients: + ralf.gommers, loewis, paul.moore, jdpipe, casevh, giampaolo.rodola, donmez, scott.tsai, cdavid, eric.araujo, rpetrov, r.david.murray, njs, cgohlke, rubenvb, WhiteTiger, BreamoreBoy, LRN, cournape, zach.ware, taschini, steve.dower, arbitraryvalue, simonzack, carlkl, Henry Gomersall, Duncan McBryde
2015-12-23 05:59:35ralf.gommerssetmessageid: <>
2015-12-23 05:59:35ralf.gommerslinkissue4709 messages
2015-12-23 05:59:34ralf.gommerscreate