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Author bjornedstrom
Recipients Arfrever, BreamoreBoy, asvetlov, bjornedstrom, christian.heimes, dstufft, englabenny, ezio.melotti, gregory.p.smith, haakon, habnabit, jcea, larry, loewis, markk, pitrou, python-dev, sbt, tim.peters, vstinner
Date 2015-10-19.09:47:04
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Remember that FIPS202 slightly change some parts of the Keccak that won the competition, so test results are different. I updated my stand alone SHA3 module, for anyone who is interested in using this now in Python 2 and 3.
Date User Action Args
2015-10-19 09:47:04bjornedstromsetrecipients: + bjornedstrom, tim.peters, loewis, gregory.p.smith, jcea, pitrou, vstinner, larry, christian.heimes, habnabit, ezio.melotti, Arfrever, asvetlov, englabenny, BreamoreBoy, python-dev, sbt, dstufft, markk, haakon
2015-10-19 09:47:04bjornedstromsetmessageid: <>
2015-10-19 09:47:04bjornedstromlinkissue16113 messages
2015-10-19 09:47:04bjornedstromcreate