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Author ugodiggi
Date 2005-10-06.07:29:19
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
Logged In: YES 

Something changed on the computer I'm testing on, and the 
crash happens way less often (say 1/10 of the times in debug 
mode, and very rarely in Release mode).

The compiler is MSVC7.1 on WXP, using Python 241

This is the stack of the main thread

 	msvcr71d.dll!_close_lk(int fh=0x00000003)  Line 115 + 
0x4a	C
 	msvcr71d.dll!_close(int fh=0x00000003)  Line 60 + 0x9	
 	msvcr71d.dll!_fclose_lk(_iobuf * str=0x1027c898)  Line 
127 + 0xc	C
 	msvcr71d.dll!fclose(_iobuf * stream=0x1027c898)  Line 
58 + 0x9	C
>	python24_d.dll!file_dealloc(PyFileObject * 
f=0x00919ec8)  Line 308 + 0xd	C
 	python24_d.dll!_Py_Dealloc(_object * op=0x00919ec8)  
Line 1870 + 0x7	C
 	python24_d.dll!frame_dealloc(_frame * f=0x00972960)  
Line 394 + 0x67	C
 	python24_d.dll!_Py_Dealloc(_object * op=0x00972960)  
Line 1870 + 0x7	C
 	python24_d.dll!PyThreadState_Clear(_ts * 
tstate=0x00892c88)  Line 200 + 0x6c	C
 	python24_d.dll!PyInterpreterState_Clear(_is * 
interp=0x00894f48)  Line 93 + 0x9	C
 	python24_d.dll!Py_Finalize()  Line 401 + 0x9	C
 	TestPyThreads.exe!main()  Line 33 + 0x8	C++
 	TestPyThreads.exe!mainCRTStartup()  Line 259 + 0x19	

and this is the stack of the other thread (_threadstart)
(the crash is here, where "if (frame->f_exc_type != NULL) " 
gets called with frame == NULL)
>	python24_d.dll!reset_exc_info(_ts * tstate=0x00892c88)  
Line 2861 + 0x3	C
 	python24_d.dll!PyEval_EvalFrame(_frame * 
f=0x00972960)  Line 2490 + 0x9	C
 	python24_d.dll!PyEval_EvalCodeEx(PyCodeObject * 
co=0x00943ad0, _object * globals=0x008e3230, _object * 
locals=0x00000000, _object * * args=0x008c104c, int 
argcount=0x00000000, _object * * kws=0x00000000, int 
kwcount=0x00000000, _object * * defs=0x00000000, int 
defcount=0x00000000, _object * closure=0x00000000)  Line 
2730 + 0x9	C
 	python24_d.dll!function_call(_object * func=0x009431f0, 
_object * arg=0x008c1038, _object * kw=0x00000000)  Line 
553 + 0x40	C
 	python24_d.dll!PyObject_Call(_object * 
func=0x009431f0, _object * arg=0x008c1038, _object * 
kw=0x00000000)  Line 1751 + 0xf	C
* func=0x009431f0, _object * arg=0x008c1038, _object * 
kw=0x00000000)  Line 3419 + 0x11	C
 	python24_d.dll!t_bootstrap(void * boot_raw=0x008c8148) 
 Line 433 + 0x1a	C
 	python24_d.dll!bootstrap(void * call=0x0012f694)  Line 
166 + 0x7	C
 	msvcr71d.dll!_threadstart(void * ptd=0x009101a0)  Line 
196 + 0xd	C

as you can see, the crash is also happening at a different 
place than what I had observed before, but I cannot find the 
stack that I had in that case.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:31:25adminlinkissue1193099 messages
2007-08-23 14:31:25admincreate