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Author majid
Date 2005-04-06.07:27:00
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Logged In: YES 

Unfortunately, catching exceptions is not sufficient - the
file descriptor may have been reassigned. Fortunately in my
case, to a socket which raised ENOSYS, but if it had been a
normal file, this would have been much harder to trace
because reading from it would cause weird errors for readers
of the reassigned fd without triggering an exception in
os.urandom() itself.

As for not closing file descriptors you haven't opened
yourself, if the process is the result of a vfork/exec (in
my case Python processes started by a cluster manager, sort
of like init), the child process has no clue what file
descriptors, sockets or the like it has inherited from its
parent process, and the safest course is to close them all.
Indeed, that's what W. Richard Stevens recommends in
"Advanced Programming for the UNIX environment".

As far as I can tell, os.urandom() is used mostly to seed
the RNG in, and thus is not a high-drequency
operation. It is going to be very hard to document this
adequately for coders to defend against - in my case, the
problem was being triggered by os.tempnam() from within
Webware's PSP compiler. There are so many functions that
depend on random (sometimes in non-obvious ways), you can't
flag them all so their users know they should use

One possible solution would be for to offer a
go_daemon() function that implements the fd closing, signal
masking, process group and terminal disassociation required
by true daemons. This function could take care of internal
book-keeping like calling urandomcleanup.
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:30:45adminlinkissue1177468 messages
2007-08-23 14:30:45admincreate