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Author eric.snow
Recipients brett.cannon, eric.smith, eric.snow, r.david.murray, ronaldoussoren
Date 2015-05-15.04:26:54
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Hmm, look like the test suite masks the issue due to the fact that importlib gets imported before running the applicable tests in  This causes _frozen_importlib.__package__ to get set properly, thus masking the problem.

The problem is the use of relative imports in importlib._bootstrap.  The solution is to accomplish this in a different way.
Date User Action Args
2015-05-15 04:26:55eric.snowsetrecipients: + eric.snow, brett.cannon, ronaldoussoren, eric.smith, r.david.murray
2015-05-15 04:26:55eric.snowsetmessageid: <>
2015-05-15 04:26:55eric.snowlinkissue24192 messages
2015-05-15 04:26:54eric.snowcreate