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Author Arfrever
Recipients 700eb415, Arfrever, alex, anand.jeyahar, christian.heimes, josh.r, jwilk, neologix, pitrou, python-dev, vstinner
Date 2015-03-20.14:07:42
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> New changeset 4491bdb6527b by Victor Stinner in branch 'default':
> Issue #22181: The availability of the getrandom() is now checked in configure,

You forgot to run aclocal, which resulted in PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG not being expanded in configure.
Date User Action Args
2015-03-20 14:07:42Arfreversetrecipients: + Arfrever, pitrou, vstinner, christian.heimes, jwilk, alex, neologix, python-dev, anand.jeyahar, josh.r, 700eb415
2015-03-20 14:07:42Arfreversetmessageid: <>
2015-03-20 14:07:42Arfreverlinkissue22181 messages
2015-03-20 14:07:42Arfrevercreate