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Author benhoyt
Recipients abacabadabacaba, akira, alexei.romanov, benhoyt, giampaolo.rodola, josh.r, pitrou, socketpair, tebeka, tim.golden, vstinner
Date 2015-02-14.01:26:07
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Akari: yes, I'm aware of this, and it's definitely a concern to me -- it may be that scandir has a bug with counting the size of certain non-file directory entries, or my implementation of os.walk() via scandir is not quite correct. I'll look at it before too long!
Date User Action Args
2015-02-14 01:26:08benhoytsetrecipients: + benhoyt, tebeka, pitrou, vstinner, giampaolo.rodola, tim.golden, abacabadabacaba, akira, socketpair, josh.r, alexei.romanov
2015-02-14 01:26:08benhoytsetmessageid: <>
2015-02-14 01:26:08benhoytlinkissue22524 messages
2015-02-14 01:26:07benhoytcreate