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Author planet36
Recipients planet36
Date 2014-12-09.03:51:59
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
string.printable includes all whitespace characters.  However, the only whitespace character that is printable is the space (0x20).

By definition, the only ASCII characters considered printable are:
    alphanumeric characters
    punctuation characters
    the space character (not all whitespace characters)


7.2 POSIX Locale

Conforming systems shall provide a POSIX locale, also known as the C locale.

7.3.1 LC_CTYPE

    Define characters to be classified as white-space characters.

    In the POSIX locale, exactly <space>, <form-feed>, <newline>, <carriage-return>, <tab>, and <vertical-tab> shall be included.

    Define characters to be classified as control characters.

    In the POSIX locale, no characters in classes alpha or print shall be included.

    Define characters to be classified as printable characters, not including the <space>.

    In the POSIX locale, all characters in classes alpha, digit, and punct shall be included; no characters in class cntrl shall be included.

    Define characters to be classified as printable characters, including the <space>.

    In the POSIX locale, all characters in class graph shall be included; no characters in class cntrl shall be included.

LC_CTYPE Category in the POSIX Locale

# "print" is by default "alnum", "punct", and the <space>
Date User Action Args
2014-12-09 03:52:01planet36setrecipients: + planet36
2014-12-09 03:52:01planet36setmessageid: <>
2014-12-09 03:52:00planet36linkissue23017 messages
2014-12-09 03:52:00planet36create