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Author StoreIntegrator
Recipients StoreIntegrator
Date 2014-12-06.12:24:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>

When using Python on Windows I always encounter plenty of errors which are simply frustrating. Typically issues compilation, linking, libraries which have nothing to do with functional coding in Python are numerous.

Do have a look at PTVS tools how an integrated UI can work...

And do try to get rid of the already for > 5 years existing BUGS like:

Simply frustrating to use Python this way.

Date User Action Args
2014-12-06 12:24:02StoreIntegratorsetrecipients: + StoreIntegrator
2014-12-06 12:24:02StoreIntegratorsetmessageid: <>
2014-12-06 12:24:02StoreIntegratorlinkissue23000 messages
2014-12-06 12:24:01StoreIntegratorcreate