> Note that on Linux, 32-bit and 64-bit versions are typically placed
> into different directory trees
By whom? Our standard installer doesn't (it uses ../lib/python-X.Y for all builds).
Also, one of the problems (and actually the problem which triggered this tracker entry) is when doing development inside a working copy (either through " develop" or " build_ext --inplace" - both copy C extensions directly into the source tree). |
Date |
User |
Action |
Args |
2014-12-02 18:46:12 | pitrou | set | recipients:
+ pitrou, lemburg, barry, brett.cannon, ncoghlan, vstinner, tim.golden, ned.deily, Arfrever, eric.snow, zach.ware, steve.dower |
2014-12-02 18:46:12 | pitrou | set | messageid: <> |
2014-12-02 18:46:12 | pitrou | link | issue22980 messages |
2014-12-02 18:46:11 | pitrou | create | |