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Author akira
Recipients Arfrever, akira, barry, belopolsky, lemburg, pitrou, thomir, veebers
Date 2014-10-15.02:07:28
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>

About your script

dateutil may break if the local timezone had different UTC offset in the past.
You could  use tzlocal module to get pytz timezone that can handle such 

To get the correct time for 1414274400 timezone in Europe/Moscow timezone,
you need the latest tz database e.g., `pytz` works but fromtimestamp, dateutil
that use the local tz database fail (2:00 instead of 1:00):

  >>> import time
  >>> import os
  >>> os.environ['TZ'] = 'Europe/Moscow'
  >>> time.tzset()
  >>> from datetime import datetime, timezone
  >>> from tzlocal import get_localzone 
  >>> datetime.fromtimestamp(1414274400, get_localzone())
  datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 26, 1, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Moscow' MSK+3:00:00 STD>)
  >>> datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1414274400).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone(get_localzone())
  datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 26, 1, 0, tzinfo=<DstTzInfo 'Europe/Moscow' MSK+3:00:00 STD>)
  >>> datetime.fromtimestamp(1414274400) # wrong
  datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 26, 2, 0)
  >>> datetime.fromtimestamp(1414274400, timezone.utc).astimezone() # wrong
  datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 26, 2, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(0, 14400), 'MSK'))
  >>> datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1414274400).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).astimezone() # wrong
  datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 26, 2, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(0, 14400), 'MSK'))
  >>> from import gettz, tzutc
  >>> datetime.fromtimestamp(1414274400, gettz()) # wrong
  datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 26, 2, 0, tzinfo=tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Moscow'))
  >>> datetime.fromtimestamp(1414274400, tzutc()).astimezone(gettz()) # wrong
  datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 26, 2, 0, tzinfo=tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Moscow'))
  >>> datetime.utcfromtimestamp(1414274400).replace(tzinfo=tzutc()).astimezone(gettz()) # wrong
  datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 26, 2, 0, tzinfo=tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Moscow'))

To avoid surprises, always use UTC time to perform date arithmetics:

  EPOCH = datetime(1970, 1,1, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
  utc_dt = EPOCH + timedelta(seconds=timestamp)

should work for dates after 2038 too.

To convert it to the local timezone:

  from tzlocal import get_localzone

  local_dt = utc_dt.astimezone(get_localzone())
  ts = (local_dt - EPOCH) // timedelta(seconds=1)
  assert ts == timestamp # if timestamp is an integer

Python stdlib assumes POSIX encoding for time.time() value (issue22356)  
therefore the formulae work on all platforms where Python works.
Date User Action Args
2014-10-15 02:07:28akirasetrecipients: + akira, lemburg, barry, belopolsky, pitrou, Arfrever, thomir, veebers
2014-10-15 02:07:28akirasetmessageid: <>
2014-10-15 02:07:28akiralinkissue22627 messages
2014-10-15 02:07:28akiracreate